JavaScript Cookies

JavaScript Cookies

Day 24 of 100: Learn Full Stack Web Development with JavaScript Cookies

  • A cookie is an amount of information that persists between a server-side and a client-side.

  • A web browser stores this information at the time of browsing.

  • A cookie contains the information as a string generally in the form of a name-value pair separated by semi-colons.

  • It maintains the state of a user and remembers the user's information among all the web pages.

How Cookies Works?

  • When a user sends a request to the server, then each of that request is treated as a new request sent by the different user.

  • So, to recognize the old user, we need to add the cookie with the response from the server.

  • browser at the client-side.

  • Now, whenever a user sends a request to the server, the cookie is added with that request automatically. Due to the cookie, the server recognizes the users.

JavaScript Cookies

  • In JavaScript, we can create, read, update and delete a cookie by using document.cookie property.

The following syntax is used to create a cookie:

  1. document.cookie="name=value";

JavaScript Cookie Example

Let's see an example to set and get a cookie.

<!DOCTYPE html>  
<input type="button" value="setCookie" onclick="setCookie()">  
<input type="button" value="getCookie" onclick="getCookie()">  
    function setCookie()  
        document.cookie="username=Duke Martin";  
    function getCookie()  
        alert("Cookie not available");  

  • JavaScript provides some optional attributes that enhance the functionality of cookies.

  • Here, is the list of some attributes with their description.

expiresIt maintains the state of a cookie up to the specified date and time.
max-ageIt maintains the state of a cookie up to the specified time. Here, time is given in seconds.
pathIt expands the scope of the cookie to all the pages of a website.
domainIt is used to specify the domain for which the cookie is valid.
  • The cookie expires attribute provides one of the ways to create a persistent cookie.

  • Here, a date and time are declared that represents the active period of a cookie.

  • Once the declared time is passed, a cookie is deleted automatically.

Let's see an example of cookie expires attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html>  
<input type="button" value="setCookie" onclick="setCookie()">  
<input type="button" value="getCookie" onclick="getCookie()">  
    function setCookie()  
        document.cookie="username=Duke Martin;expires=Sun, 20 Aug 2030 12:00:00 UTC";  
    function getCookie()  
            var array=document.cookie.split("=");  
        alert("Name="+array[0]+" "+"Value="+array[1]);  
        alert("Cookie not available");  
  • If a cookie is created for a webpage, by default, it is valid only for the current directory and sub-directory.

  • JavaScript provides a path attribute to expand the scope of cookie up to all the pages of a website.

Cookie path attribute Example

Let's understand the path attribute with the help of an example.

JavaScript Cookie Attributes

  • Here, if we create a cookie for webpage2.html, it is valid only for itself and its sub-directory (i.e., webpage3.html). It is not valid for webpage1.html file.

  • In this example, we use path attribute to enhance the visibility of cookies up to all the pages.

  • Here, you all just need to do is to maintain the above directory structure and put the below program in all three web pages.

  • Now, the cookie is valid for each web page.

  • A JavaScript domain attribute specifies the domain for which the cookie is valid.

  • Let's suppose if we provide any domain name to the attribute such like:

  • Here, the cookie is valid for the given domain and all its sub-domains.

  • However, if we provide any sub-domain to the attribute such like:

  • Here, the cookie is valid only for the given sub-domain. So, it's a better approach to provide domain name instead of sub-domain.
  • In JavaScript, a cookie can contain only a single name-value pair.

  • However, to store more than one name-value pair, we can use the following approach: -

  • Serialize the custom object in a JSON string, parse it and then store in a cookie.

  • For each name-value pair, use a separate cookie.

Examples to Store Name-Value pair in a Cookie:

Let's see an example to check whether a cookie contains more than one name-value pair

<!DOCTYPE html>  
    Name: <input type="text" id="name"><br>  
    Email: <input type="email" id="email"><br>  
    Course: <input type="text" id="course"><br>  
<input type="button" value="Set Cookie" onclick="setCookie()">  
<input type="button" value="Get Cookie" onclick="getCookie()">  
    function setCookie()  
//Declaring 3 key-value pairs  
        var info="Name="+ document.getElementById("name").value+";Email="+document.getElementById("email").value+";Course="+document.getElementById("course").value;  
//Providing all 3 key-value pairs to a single cookie  

    function getCookie()  
       //Invoking key-value pair stored in a cookie  
        alert("Cookie not available")  


JavaScript Cookie with multiple Name

On clicking Get Cookie button, the below dialog box appears.

JavaScript Cookie with multiple Name

Here, we can see that only a single name-value is displayed.

However, if you click, Get Cookie without filling the form, the below dialog box appears.

JavaScript Cookie with multiple Name

  • In the previous section, we learned the different ways to set and update a cookie in JavaScript.

  • Apart from that, JavaScript also allows us to delete a cookie.

  • Here, we see all the possible ways to delete a cookie

These are the following ways to delete a cookie:

  • A cookie can be deleted by using expire attribute.

  • A cookie can also be deleted by using max-age attribute.

  • We can delete a cookie explicitly, by using a web browse

Examples to delete a Cookie :

In this example, we use expire attribute to delete a cookie by providing expiry date (i.e. any past date) to it.

<!DOCTYPE html>  

<input type="button" value="Set Cookie" onclick="setCookie()">  
<input type="button" value="Get Cookie" onclick="getCookie()">  
function setCookie()   
    document.cookie="name=Martin Roy; expires=Sun, 20 Aug 2000 12:00:00 UTC";  

function getCookie()  
        alert("Cookie not avaliable");  

Whats Next?

JS Exception Handling

JavaScript try-catch